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Used cars price list in Sharjah Based on advertising prices posted by sellers on CarSwitch

Used Cars Starting Price Maximum Price
Toyota RAV 4 Price in Sharjah AED 38,500 AED 145,000
Mercedes GLE53 AMG Price in Sharjah AED 262,000 AED 537,500
Audi A3 Price in Sharjah AED 35,000 AED 94,500
FAW-Bestune B70 Price in Sharjah AED 69,500 AED 69,500
Luxgen RS5 Price in Sharjah AED 230,000 AED 230,000
Renault Koleos Price in Sharjah AED 66,500 AED 66,500
Suzuki Swift Price in Sharjah AED 37,500 AED 37,500
Chevrolet Captiva Price in Sharjah AED 68,000 AED 68,000
Kia K5 Price in Sharjah AED 83,000 AED 83,000
Volkswagen Teramont Price in Sharjah AED 160,000 AED 160,000

Car prices in Sharjah - Free car valuation tool

Considering to buy or sell a car in Sharjah? Don't make a decision without using our advanced car valuator. Engineered with data from thousands of transactions, this powerful tool provides precise value assessments for any vehicle. Check the value of the Sharjah today and approach your transaction with unmatched confidence and knowledge.

Buy Used Cars in Sharjah With Confidence

Wondering if you should buy a used car in Sharjah that fits your budget or dig deeper into your pockets to get a new one? While CarSwitch can help you with both options, from a financial as well as practical perspective it makes more sense to invest in second hand cars in Sharjah. What’s more, the services offered by CarSwitch provide even more incentives to do so.

New cars versus used cars

Did you know that if you buy a new car, its value depreciates by around 20 per cent in the first year?! However, during the following years, the rate of depreciation falls to 10 to 15 per cent. So, when it comes to depreciation, the first owner of the car takes the maximum hit. This means that you can avoid depreciation to a large extent by going for used cars for sale in Sharjah. Cars that have been used slightly are usually almost as good as new ones, so it’s recommended that you should buy a pre- owned car in Sharjah to save a significant amount of money.

Buy inspected, certified and warrantied used cars

To make sure that you can buy a used car with confidence and have peace of mind during and after the process, every car listed on CarSwitch is thoroughly inspected by specialists and the detailed report can be viewed online. This means that you can shed all the stress and worries by simply buying certified used cars in Sharjah through CarSwitch. What’s more, extended warranty is also available!

Buying a used car has never been easier

Now you don’t have to worry about going through the long and challenging process on your own as CarSwitch will guide and assist you till you’ve bought the right car. From searching for cars based on price, model-year, brand, transmission type and mileage to checking out the details of their features, you can do a lot of research using CarSwitch. Comparison shopping has become easier than ever before, which means that you can find the best deals within minutes and save a lot of money. CarSwitch hosts all the major brands such as Nissan, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, GMC, Ford, Jaguar, and so much more. The best part is that after you’ve selected the right car, our experts will deal with the sellers, and can guide you through every step of your buying process, including paperwork.

With so many options available in the market, it can be difficult to shortlist the right pre-owned cars in Sharjah. You have to make sure the seller is genuine and that the car you’re considering is in good condition so that you are not left with a big repair bill afterwards. With CarSwitch, you can find the right used car within minutes. It’s the easiest way to find used cars in Sharjah at low price without having to worry about it turning out to be a dud. Shopping for a used car has never been easier!,Why It’s Better to Buy Used Cars in Sharjah

Frequently asked questions

What is a 2-seater car?

A 2-seater car is a vehicle that is designed to seat two passengers only. These types of cars are typically small in size and are often used for sporty or performance-oriented driving.
Some popular 2-seater car brands available in the UAE include Porsche , Jaguar , Mercedes , Ferrari and Nissan.
The maintenance cost of a 2-seater car depends on the make and model of the vehicle. Generally, luxury brands tend to have higher maintenance costs than more affordable brands. However, regular maintenance and servicing can help keep costs under control.
A 2-seater car may not be practical for families or those who need to carry a lot of cargo. However, for individuals or couples who primarily use their car for commuting or running errands, a 2-seater car can be a practical and enjoyable choice.
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